Tag Archives: garland

Christmas is Early

I’m afraid that my gift to you this year has some assembly required.

on the mantle

Surprise! It’s a garland!

Smitten (a Holiday Garland) is now available as a free download at KnitPicks.com.

I knit a mitten a day for most of October. After I memorized the pattern (around mitten number 6), they took me about an hour each. Marcia, my Top Secret Test Knitter, says that her first one took about twice that long – but she was correcting my mistakes at the same time. Long Story Short: If you want 24, it’s time to get started!

mitten stack

This was my “Guess what’s next?” picture that I never posted.

If you don’t need an advent calendar, put letters on the mittens and spell something festive or seasonal like “Let it snow!” Or use them for ornaments. Or money holders. They are about 4.5″ from finger tip to cuff so small toys, treats or jewelry will fit neatly inside.

toy inside

Bendy doll by Princess Nimble Thimble.

Happy holidays! If you make something with the pattern, I’d love to see it in the Smitten Flickr Group.