two mints in one

I forgot to blog on Thursday. Well, I didn’t forget so much as I Ran Out of Time. We went up to Atlanta on Friday (M’s sister was in a play – she was very good) so I spent Thrusday packing and getting the house cleaned up for our Critter Sitter. But if I had blogged on Thursday, this is what you would have seen:

lamppost decoration

This is the telephone pole by our driveway.

Bay Minette has put up the Christmas Decorations! Hooray! I’ve always wondered where the pole decorations come from – is there a company that specializes in very large light-up decorations? Turns out there is! And they have a website!

Great Gran also finished the back on the Gatsby cardigan she is working on.

red gatsby on the table

Isn’t this a yummy color?

Great Gran hasn’t made a sweater is a while, but she saw this in the Patternworks catalog (it’s the blue one) and decided that she had to have it. She has also been working like a fiend on Project Linus Blankets. She has a whole stack for us to drop off next Sunday.

The news for today is that (thanks to the round trip in the car) I have finished all the pieces of the Vintage Sweater!

sweater pieces on the rug

It’s blurry because I was standing on the coffee table to get a good angle and got hit in the head with the ceiling fan. I didn’t try for a second shot.

Now, the pattern says to sew it all together, put the bands on and then block it. I ask you, how am I supposed to sew it together if the edges are doing that curly thing? My plan is to steam blocking the edges, seam, bands and then wet (or steam) block the whole thing. I’ve never made a raglan before, so this should be exciting.

I also got a better button for my Sitcom Chic. Joy.