Special Sunday Edition
We ran down to Fairhope to play with the Davis Family today. Michael went sailing with the Davis Dad and I played with the girls (I include Davis Mom when I say “girls”) all afternoon. We played American Girls of course. Josefina was visiting from out of town. Here are the Davis Dolls in their new sweaters getting ready to go to the movies.

It’s chilly in the theater. From left to right we have: Christina, Felicity and Kit.
And here are the girls (I am not including Davis Mom in this particular usage of “girls”). They apparently Just Love the camera.

From left to right (girls not dolls) they are Georgia, Emily and Maggie. If you look closely, you can see Diane and me in the window.
I’ve finished the front of Michael’s brown sweater, I should have a neckband to show you directly. Impressive, I know. I’ve also picked my next three projects. To be more precise: I’ve picked the next three batches of yarn to order. One is already on the way! Thank you Great Gran!