We’ve been BUSY with camp stuff. The Confirmation Packets made it into the mail on Monday, but only because we had plenty of help. There are just eleven million things to do!
But I did find time to finish the front of Honey and start putting her together.

I’ve done all but one side and that one side is just going to have to wait ’til Monday. I’ve got to get a shower and iron and pack and check email again and write notes for the Kitty Sitter because we are headed to Mary Esther for the weekend. I don’t know what I’m going to take for knitting! Not Elspeth, I think she’s too complicated for knitting with company – plus I haven’t decided what size I am making yet. That leaves that Empire Dream in “Creative Knitting”, a long sleeved-sweater (I am sweaty just thinking about it) or a vest for Michael (which also makes me feel Rather Warm). Guess which one I’m taking. Bah. I haven’t swatched for it yet so that means that I’ll have to take more needles than I actually need. I know I sound unprepared, but I swear to you, I just don’t have enough hours in my days lately!
Michael said to be sure to mention to you that tomorrow we are going out in the canoe. Did I mention that we got one? I love it and there are plenty of places to paddle around down here. Since I haven’t swatched (and I don’t have a sock on the needles – odd), I’m not planning to take any knitting with me in the boat.
If I don’t start packing I won’t be taking anything with me at all! Y’all have a terrific 4th with fireworks and cookouts for all! Liberty and Justice are nice too. I love this holiday! It’s my favorite.