Daily Archives: July 9, 2005

Second Verse Same as the First

At this time tomorrow we won’t have any electricity. I believe that I’ve said that before. With any luck, it will be back on before it was with Ivan. Dennis should be here tomorrow afternoon. Great Gran is at the Farm this time. My Uncle Bruce and Aunt Patti have moved to Mary Esther and evacuated this way. I think she is happy to be able to stay in her own home (sometimes we have responsibilities after the hurricanes, so we can’t go out and stay at the Farm because we might not be able to get back) but I really miss having her here with us. She’s got a generator and Uncle Bruce knows how to start it, so I am sure they will be fine. God Bless the guy who invented cell phones!

We’re supposed to leave for camp on Thursday. It’s enough to make a girl swear. Don’t tell my mom.

Here is a little bit of fun news, though: the eggs have hatched!

all you can see is their mouths

The picture is blurry beucase I really had to zoom –
their mother is just looking for a chance to poke out my eyes.

I was afraid to move the plant to a safer place because I don’t want their mom to abandon them. While I was putting everything in the garage, I battened their tiny hatches as best I could.

the back porch, bare but for the birds

That’s two bags of clay and the bottom part of a jack. I hope it’s enough.

The back porch is pretty sheltered and on the northside of the house. I hope that they will be OK. The cement thing beside the bird penthouse weighs about 900 pounds. I felt it would be just fine there. And I just couldn’t drag it another step.

I’ve got 2 inches on the yoga bag. I’d take you a picture, but the batteries are out of the camera and charging. I am getting ready to take a shower, watch some TV and knit until I am really, really tired and ready for bed. In the morning, I anticipate ripping out all of the mistakes I make tonight because I am already really, really tired. It will give me something to do in the bunker tomorrow.