Gov. Riley pardons Clyde! I have never seen a turkey so delighted. Happy Thanksgiving!
Daily Archives: November 22, 2005
stocking mania

I should have used the flash.
For those of you keeping count, I am now six socks short of my Stocking Quota. But I only have to make four more. It’s still All Good.
Instead of stockings, I finished M’s striped sock number one.

One ball of Parade does not make a complete man-size (10 1/2) sock. I only made a six inch leg since I am paranoid about yarn shortages (please see the previous entry) and I still ran out of yarn right at the toe. I used the green striped Parade that I got for myself to finish up. This is not a huge tragedy, I’ll just get three balls next time. I plan to make the second sock on our trip to Atlanta for M’s family’s Thanksgiving (last year was a Bay Minette year so this year it’s Atlanta). The people who are going to attend Thanksgiving are all stocking recipients, so I need a Travel Project.
I finished Mom and Great Gran’s pumpkins in time for Thanksgiving! Such as they are.

The top I made felted too small for my pumpkin and someone stole the vine (my source refused to name names). I have to make them again. Like that will ever happen.
Oh, M has worn his cardigan every day and it doesn’t have any pills yet! I, on the other hand, have worn my Gatsby sweater three times and there are already fluffy bits on the sides. They aren’t noticable to the casual observer since the yarn is so nubby weird, but I know the pills are there.