In spite of the busy weekend:

A point for me!
It’s one thing to read 22″ in the pattern description, it’s quite another to see a 22″ stocking in real life. I could fit a cat in there if they were more cooperative. The only change I made was to the toe shaping, I wanted it to look like a sock toe.
I haven’t looked at my email since I got home (I will check it real quick now for anything Urgent), but I’ve got to finish my last sock pattern for RubySapphire. I am about halfway through the second sock and Tivo is full of all the shows we missed last week, so it shouldn’t take too long.
Chuck and Pushing Daisies are my two favorite new shows this season. Pushing Daisies is already on my list of Greatest TV Shows of All Time – not just because Emerson is a Knitter.
The current score: Emily – 4 Christmas – 2 (I get a point for the stocking, Christmas gets a point for the chocolate-filled advent calendars in World Market, I get another point because I have already eaten up to Day 12)
If you do get a cat in there, we need photographic proof.
Love your stocking!!! I feel so behind on Christmas and it isn’t even Halloween!! LOL!!
I LOVE Pushing Up Daisies….I feel like I’m watching some kind of Dr. Suess program!! LOL!! Love Chuck….Reapers….several good ones this year!!!
I really want to see that stocking with a cat in it. LOL! Chocolate filled Advent calendars? That’s just cruel. 🙂
I guess I’m going to have to check out Pushing Up Daisies.
The stocking looks great!
The stocking looks great! And I love Pushing Daisies, too! I just about killed myself laughing at the beginning of episode 2 (won’t spoil it for those who haven’t watched it yet). The dialog is very witty – reminds me of Gilmore Girls.
I LOVE the sock. I mean stocking. It is darling. Great work again!
I LOVE the sock. I mean stocking. It is darling. Great work again!
That is a great stocking!
The stocking is really lovely! Xmas hasn’t even remotely crossed my mind…so good for you! I also adore Pushing Daisies and think it’s the best new thing on TV right now. Emerson has definitely won my heart with his stockinette stitch.
The Christmas sock is very cute. For socks such as these, the bigger the better, right? And it’s so funny to read that you’ve eaten chocs from the Advent calendar already 🙂 🙂 I can’t stop grinning at the thought!
Now, a photo of the cat in there would certainly make for one very festive Christmas card!
My DH complains that my stocking is too small and he can’t fit much in. I told him it’s just right for a BIG gifts certificate to Seed Stitch Fine Yarn. He doesn’t have to get me anything else, LOL. BTW, like your sock!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE CHuck and Pushing Daisies! I also love Reaper. Pushing Daisies has that fairy tale quality, like Lemony SNicket.
O.K. I am with the first commenter above! If you manage to get one of your cats in the stocking that would make for a lovely Christmas card and proof of course:)
From your previous post it sounds like you had a nice relaxing time on your trip. Good for you!
You are so smart to be working on Xmas stuff now. Every Xmas I **say** I’m going to do that exact same thing. So now you have xmas ornaments and a stocking. Are you making two?
Where are the other two? Boy, you are a slacker. 🙂
We love Chuck, too. So suspenseful, and yet so funny!
Emily, your stocking is so much better looking than the source picture. The toe is a definite improvement, and I like the yarn better too. They should have consulted you before printing, and you could have set them straight…Ha-ha. I still like the book, though….Melanie Falick is one of my favorites in the knitting world.
Love the stocking…. and I’m loving the new show Chuck myself. I’ve only seen one episode of Pushing Daisies and loved the fact that one of the characters knits 🙂
You going to SAFF???
Love the stocking! It has a great old-fashioned feel to it.
If Christmas starts to gain on you it sounds like you could get another couple quick points by polishing off the advent chocolates.
Nice Sock. Really nice sock.
I love your stocking. I have been thinking of starting some in the very near future, and seeing yours has made me want to start right away.:)
That is so cute! I’ve avoided knitting the Christmas stocking, but this year have taken on what I can only describe as a “sweater garland” for a knitted holiday projected. That is–make a bunch of teeny sweaters with all my left-over yarn, and string them together to make a garland for the tree.
I have completed exactly one sweater….took me an evening. How many days until Christmas?