We Need to Talk

Remember when you signed up for Dish Rag Tag: the Sequel? Remember how you had to click that little box that said you read and agreed to the rules and regulations? Remember how by signing up to play, you agreed not to cheat or hijack the box?

Remember that?


Can someone explain to me why I am mailing three (THREE) back up boxes? None of those boxes are lost in the mail.

Hijackers: you should be ashamed of yourselves. You have let your teammates down, you have ruined the 100% DRT Participation Record and you have shaken my faith in knitters. Don’t think I won’t remember who you are.

To the other 286 of you: thank you for your enthusiasm, patience, good will and commitment. You have restored my faith in knitters. Don’t think I won’t remember who you are.

38 thoughts on “We Need to Talk

  1. Laurie

    Sorry you have to go to all that trouble, Emily. It’s too bad that some people aren’t more responsible and reliable. It’s certainly more fun when everyone plays by the rules!

  2. Toni

    I know of one knitter who would have loved to have joined in tag, but she didn’t because of tight finances. It’s sad that the hijackers didn’t have the decency to just not sign up.
    Too, too sad.

  3. Sandy

    So sorry that you had to stand in the gap for a few party poopers. Hopefully this won’t dampen the spirit of fun for the teams involved.

  4. Abigail

    Shame on all those nasty Highjackers who had the nerve to make William Henry cry and to frustrate you to no end.

    I think it’s just down right rude and thoughtless to the all the good Dish Rag Taggers.

    I’m sending you cyber hugs and comfort food your way. Maybe that will cheer you and William Henry right up…..

  5. Ewe-niss

    What the h@ll? Really – people do that?! Shame! We had one who even worked through an evacuation and no power from the hurricane. She made it, others made it white knuckling through vacations hoping boxes would arrive on time.

    Too bad. They missed the fun of the event and worried team members. 🙁

  6. kristyn

    My best friend is on one of the teams with a hijacked box. I feel bad for the knitters {who haven’t knitted yet} and the teams with unfortunate members! If there is a next year, maybe we’ll all fulfill our commitments!

  7. The Darling Sister

    Wait, what? Who made William Henry cry? Those jerks!

    And I’m in awe over the nerve of them to hijack a dishrag. It’s a game for crying out load, an awesome game that even the NON-knitters like me follow with great anticipation! A pox on you, evil doers. A pox on your knitting needles too. May all your socks be holey and unwearable! May moths get into your yarn stash!! And hexes all around for stressing my sister out and making her send back up boxes instead of making treats for me!! BOOOOO!!!!

  8. Beth

    What?!?! This makes me so sad!! I had so much fun doing DRT, and now I learn that boxes were hijacked?!?!

    I just have to say that most of the fun was the enthusiasm, teamwork, fun conversation, and cooperation of my other team members.

    I’m sorry you had to go to the extra time and effort when you already put so much effort into this!

    I don’t understand some people!

  9. Beth

    That is a shame. I always hope that the MIA person (people) has not gotten seriously injured or ill and we just haven’t heard about it. I need to start keeping a list of things I’m signed up for so that if something happens Bob can send the appropriate people e-mails.

  10. Elisa (scrubbing stars)

    That is terrible. What party poopers. I don’t think that happened to anyone on our team. We went a bit out of order, but that wasn’t a problem.
    Don’t let the nasties get you down.
    Thanks for the fun, hope to do this again.

    (Scrubbing Stars)

  11. Dorothy

    Emily – I’m so sorry! I know it’s a lot of work to do this, and I know with a new little one there are many other things you could be doing with your time. Thank you for all your efforts, and sorry for the few people ruining it.

  12. Cindy K

    There will always be a few who spoil the fun for others—hugs to you, Emily, and to the Dish Rag Taggers still waiting to knit. Hope you guys kick some knittin’ b-u-t-t!

  13. Melinda, NY

    I am so sorry to hear this. My team came in 3rd place which was wonderful and I had a blast doing it. Now, I feel like it really isn’t a win since not all the “players” did what they should have. I feel for those who are still waiting and doing it “honestly.” You are the true winners with your spirit, enthusiasm, and commitment. To you I give my hat.

  14. Mary

    This is just plain awful. I cannot believe that people would sign up for this and then not do their part. Emily, I am so sorry that you have to deal with this. I feel very sad for the teams that had this happen to them. I feel so blessed to have been able to participate in this dish rag tag and to have a team where we all did our very best to encourage each other and to fulfill our part of the race. Really shakes my belief in knitters to read of this.

  15. Peg

    Ikes….what a shame that a few had to spoil it for all. are these folks so desperate? I had a great time (all tho looking at some of the times that folks finished the cloths in pretty slooooowwwww)-but am bummed that the rest of my team mates didn’t get to play as “planned”

  16. Knitsbyheidi

    WOW!! What is wrong with people? People are broken!!! I just have to say that I had the BEST time ever with my team and look forward to next year….I would be willing to help in any way possible to make your job easier 🙂


  17. KT

    First, this SUCKS. I am so sorry that this happened. Clearly their Mama’s raised them wrong. Bless. Their. Hearts.

    Second, they clearly do NOT know who they are messing with. I live in fear of meeting you in a dark alley, AND I consider you a Dear Friend.

    Third, Bad Sportsmanship is just awful. Clearly my 5 and almost 8 year old sons are much more well behaved. For Shame!

    Lastly- to all of us who have kept our word, good job. Keep fighting the good fight.

  18. Anita

    It never fails to amaze me that people do this kind of thing. Really sad. They should be ashamed of themselves!
    My team didn’t win but we had a wonderful time & everyone tried their very best, it was a lot of fun. I sure hope a few bad apples don’t ruin it for the rest of us…

  19. Dawn T.

    May the fleas of a thousand camels land upon the private parts of those who hijacked the boxes – and may their arms be 1 inch to short to scratch.

    Sorry for the bad thoughts, but it really urks me that some just don’t play fair and ruin it for those who do.

  20. Lisa

    Wow…here I’ve been sitting and waiting to knit and I had no idea that it was hijacked. Do we know for sure it was hijacked? Could it have been a family emergency? I never knew people really did that…so sad. Thanks Emily for all your extra work. Sorry it ended up this way for three teams! Go Rag Tag Racers! We may finish yet!

  21. Debbie in SC

    That is sad that people still ruin good things. I had a great time, and I am very thankful I was 2nd on the ship list. I hope this does not stop any of us from trying to play in any games. Life is tough enough- we need the fun !!!! Thank you Emily for doing this for us

  22. sara

    I lived in fear of letting my team down. I can’t believe that three people would do that 🙁 I hope you will still continue DRT. I am so glad I got to participate this year. I’ve actually got post DRT blues!

  23. Jen

    I am sad to hear that a few people are ruining the good time. I know life can get busy/crazy stuff can happen, but there should be some communication even if the people get the box and then decide they can’t do it. Just flat out hijacking the box with no explanation is seriously uncool.

    Hopefully these few hijackers won’t prevent you from planning next year’s DRT. I just mailed my box out yesterday (Go Magic 8!), and I am already looking forward to next year.

    Emily, you rock my socks (and my dish rags).

  24. Deborah

    What a pain. So sorry you had to deal with this Emily. Myself and my team, the wonderful dishrag divas, had a fabulous time doing the tag. We had some things to overcome but everyone stepped up to the plate. One of our members even knitted in a parking lot at night so she could get the box to the post office! All of us loved the event and want to participate next year. Hope the happy memories you helped create overcome the pains in the rear.

  25. JoAnn

    I enjoyed this DRT. It was awesome. I have a real hard time trying to understand how someone could just not send the box. At least have the courtesy to contact someone! We all had things to deal with but felt this was a fun distraction from those things! I feel sorry for those who haven’t had a chance to knit yet! Hope you all get the box soon! and Emily, thank you for a wonderful time!

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