
Let me tell you, this week has just about done me in. The only thing keeping me going is the steady return of the Dish Rag Tag boxes!


Who could it be?



ooOOOooo creeeepy

The team name is totally on the box, I just really liked the spiders. Due to circumstances beyond my control, I didn’t get to take pictures in the Natural Light of Day* so attractive (ahem) tungsten lighting and the kitchen counter it is! At least I’m keeping up!


Picked me right up!

Mandy, you made my day! The wee tiny blocker evokes fond Wee Tiny Sock Memories and just knowing the Starbucks gift card is in the house has lifted my spirits immeasurably. It’s going to purchase the most fatty delicious drink on the menu and I am Not Kidding. I’m thinking mint hot chocolate with half and half. *drool* I think my cholesterol just went up six points at the thought. I know the sea blue (it’s kind of turquoise, really pretty – even in the tungsten) dish cloth will have a happy home with your Captain Kim.

Thank you so much, Mandy, and congratulations to Triskaidekaphobia for successful completion of this year’s race!

Son of Dish Rag Tag Round-Up
1… Needling Ninjas 9/30/2009
2… Chronicles of Yarnia 9/30/2009
3… Wicked Sticks 10/1/2009
4… Peaches & Speed 10/3/2009
5… Fast Track Knitters 10/5/2009
6… The Knitty Gritty 10/5/2009
7… Purls ‘n Paws 10/8/2009
8… The Team With No Name 10/8/2009
9… Triskaidekaphobia 10/9/2009

*Seriously, Ellie must have hit her head at least six times this morning and wept like the world was ending each time. She’s got a great bruise on her cheek from the most eventful collision. Fingers crossed for a kinder day tomorrow.

4 thoughts on “Triskaidekaphobia

  1. Teyani

    may kinder days be abundant ahead for you and Ellie….. must be a growth month (all feet and fingers, and not much coordination) many smooches abound, and perhaps we need to knit bumpers for all the edges in the house for awhile?

  2. Judi

    If someone EVER sends me a box with spiders on the outside, I will not be opening it! It’s a good thing you are so very brave! 🙂

    I remember those bruised days. Poor Ellie. My toddler was especially good at getting huge bruises on her forehead right before pictures. It seems like she had a permanent bruise from about 13 months until she was 3 yrs old. She was very fair-skinned (not unlike Miss Ellie), so every little bump and bruise showed up in stark contrast. I was sure that someone was going to arrest me on suspicion of abuse. Rough times for little ones. Too bad there’s not a huge, protective suit we can put them in! 🙂

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