Hive for a Bee

It’s time for a freebie.

bee bee

A Free Bee! Get it? I am such a funny girl.

The latest from Yarn Miracle is a delightful Honey Bee Play Set with Hive! The pdf can be found here or on Ravelry.


The hive can hold three bees.

Have you heard about the disappearing honey bees? Over the last three years, one in three honey bee colonies has died in the United States. Other countries are experiencing similar losses. This poses a real threat to the 1/3 of our food supply that relies on honey bees for pollination. For more information on Colony Collapse Disorder, check your PBS listings for Silence of the Bees, visit Help the Honey Bees (Haagan-Daz’ site) or Google.

While you read, why not knit a few?

10 thoughts on “Hive for a Bee

  1. colleen

    OMG that is so totally cute!!! I wish I had the pattern last September for my preschool class “Busy Bees” it would have been perfect
    guess I’ll just have to make it for myself 😉

  2. Jenn

    Oh my goodness! So cute! Samantha is sitting next to me saying “beeyah! beeyah! beeyah!” so I think she wants me to make one!

  3. TwigandToadstool

    So so sweet!!!! I’m a novice knitter, but I wanna make one of these…time to consult my expert knitting friends!!
    Thank you for sharing the pattern!!!
    xo maureen

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