D is for Dog

At long last.

D is for Dog is ready for purchase in my Etsy Shop and on Ravelry.

I usually encourage folks to shop Ravelry for patterns, but if you don’t have a preference, please shop Etsy this time. The Etsy for Animals Charity of the Month is the Urban Animal Alliance, a non-profit that is working to eradicate dogfighting. In September, a buck from every dog pattern sale on Etsy goes toward their education programs.

5 thoughts on “D is for Dog

  1. nicole

    Wayyyyyy adorable… woof woof !
    I hope you make lots of Etsy sales so that UAA can benefit as well.
    Thanks so much for that sponsorship opportunity 🙂

  2. Stephanie

    I’m heading over there now to purchase the pattern. I love your patterns, Emily! Tonight I’m going to be knitting a dishrag… hmmmmmmm…..

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