I have a craft room. My very own space. It holds my beads, pipe cleaners, felt, stuffing, most of my books, paper, stamps, paints, adhesives and lots and lots of yarn. Until last week it looked like this:

You’d think that with two closets, two bookcases and a cabinet…
It was so full and so messy that I was forced to take my laptop and move out. Here’s a detail of the table just to illustrate the horror of the situation:

That’s the desk in back. I’ve relocated to the kitchen writing desk.
I never meant for it to be like this. For nine years I’ve wanted a set of cubbies. For a year and a half I have been actively trying to buy them. They were always OUT OF STOCK! Three months ago, my Dad made two trips to the store to get a set of cubbies that were actually in stock. They were on a high shelf that no one was allowed to access with customers in the store. (???!!!) For two months my cubbies have been in my folks’ garage. Dad came for a visit last week and my cubbies (assembly required) came with him. We put them together while Ellie was at preschool and now my craft room looks like this:

The empty cubby is for cat naps.
Let’s see it from another angle because it is truly amazing.

To the left, there is a freestanding bookcase filled with my art books.
I’ve also done a little bit of a destash as part of the renovations. I’ve got a fair amount of yarn that needs some help meeting it’s knitted destiny: hats, scarves, one-skein projects, I have an embarrassment of sock yarn, patterns in the Oddball Knitting book. I thought I’d make up a couple surprise boxes and share them for the price of shipping. If you’re interested in Mystery Box Stash Enhancement, keep an eye out over the next few days.
My Random Number Generator is napping now. I’ll have some Mindful Fiber results for you within 24 hours.
As a total aside, I absolutely and completely love my home! There are seven fireplaces (none work because of honey bee and wasp defensive strategy, but it’s also 80°F for 80% of the year so whatever). The house belonged to my great grandparents and Great Gran (my regular grandmother. if you’re new here: think of the ‘great’ as a superlative) is my landlady. I’m not sure things can get better.
Oh gosh! Your room looks so amazing now! All that light!
The suri dream yarn arrived today. Thank you, again! Now I just need to find the time to use it, so it doesn’t linger in my stash for too long…
I want to hire you…you should see my space….urrrggghhhh….your room looks AMAZING!!!!
enjoy it!
That’s a fantastic improvement! I have cubbies from Ikea in my craft room and they are excellent for organizing and storing.
What an overhaul….OMG. AMazing admirable astonishing!
Holy Cow, there is a table and some chairs in your room!! Great job Emily……you’re an inspiration. I’ve been working on my craft room as well, not quite as neat as yours is NOW but I’m making progress. Will send/post photos one day soon, I hope 🙂
LOVE IT !!!!
Wooohooooo and well done 🙂
I spent St. Paddys day doing just about the same thing in my bedroom but i didn’t take any pictures (wink)
Woo hoo!! Congrats on getting it all organized and beautiful. What an amazing transformation. I love the cubbies, and you’ve gained such a huge amount of floor space. Very inspiring.
Ooo! Swanky!
It was a week well spent. Everything is so organised now and you’ve got your craft room back. Enjoy!
What a beautiful room that is! Do you have a cozy overstuffed chair in which to sit and knit? ‘Cause I think that would be just about perfect.
What a lovely room! And it sounds like a lovely house.
I love that you left a cubby for the cat.
Isn’t it amazing how an organized space makes you feel? And there is NEVER too much sock yarn…
Your craft room is gorgeous!! I’m glad the cubbies finally found there way to your house. It always amazes me how a store in one area is always out of stock where another store never seems to run out. Our Target seems to be the one that is always out!
Where were the cubbies out of stock for that long? That’s hard to imagine.
LOVE the blue chairs.
Nice! Amazing what a difference storage makes. And a judicious tidying and culling. 🙂 Of course you left a space for the cat, else one would have been taken, regardless of contents. One of mine is snoozing contentedly in the Amazon box that a knitting book came in. It’s why I buy things online, beds for the cats.
Love it! I’m about to re-reorganize my fiber room again. 🙂
I love those Expedit Cubbies! We have 3 sets in the playroom/family room, and 2 of the 2×4 in my craft area. They hold EVERYTHING! What is your plastic bin that fits so well in them?? I need something with lids to go in them as well. Looks great…love the update.
Your space looks fabulous!
What a GORGEOUS space! That light! Those floors! Those CUBBIES! I’m lucky enough to have my own craft room too (though these days it’s just a catch-all junk room) but it’s so dark and cramped (even when it’s clean) compared to this!
that my friend is one amazingly clean room!!!!! nicely done!