Last week was really something. Mom came for a visit, my sister came for a visit the day my Mom left, Michael was sick (which almost never happens). I started and tore out my next project. We got a dog.

I don’t know why Ellie has a whistle around her neck.
Truman was hit by a car a few months ago – he was a Katrina rescue before that. His people couldn’t afford the surgery on his hip so they were going to put him to sleep. Our vet is getting “soft in his old age” and fixed him anyway. Truman was living at the vet with the clinic animals, Factor (the blood dog) and John Quincey (a cat that turned up in our yard a few years ago). Since he is an old man and indifferent to cats, I really can’t imagine a more perfect dog for us. So here he is. ALL of his fur is here too.
We also hosted a Guest Dog who turned up in the driveway on Saturday morning.

She has ears, she’s just doing something funny with them.
Guest Dog had beautiful manners and a collar but no tags. So she spent the weekend with us in the garage and the outdoor kennel. We had called everyone local to tell them we’d found her because I was sure her people would call looking for her on Monday. Sure enough, she had just hopped into the truck with our Amazing Animal Control Officer when our vet called saying that her people wanted to know where she was. I like it when our guest dogs have happy endings.
Speaking of happy endings, I’m about to sew that little calico together.

You would not believe the amount of concentration those spots took.
That little kitty head took forever! Mostly because I needed all my brain to work on her. I don’t get to use all of my brain on any one thing very often. Just see above for why.