Tag Archives: shop

Help The Gulf Coast

Dear Emily,
What’s up with all the posts? I mean this in the best possible way: you talk too much.
All my love,
Your Lone Reader

Dear Lone,
Just one more this week, I swear!

Etsy’s got a collaborative shop where all the proceeds will Help the Gulf Coast. I made an Itty Bitty Pelican to help out!


He’s even got an Itty Bitty Fishy snack!

I think I’ll make a few more for my own shop. If I sell 10 in the shop, there’s enough profit to adopt a real pelican through Tri-State Bird Rescue. Which would be pretty cool.

Lofty goals. I has them.

Pehyay Pehyay Pehyay

How about something more cheerful above the fold?

chicken in action

Itty Bitty Action Shots. The Rooster is surprising the chicken. “BOO!”

Ellie is a baby of few words. She’s said Important Words (“mama” “cheese” “algahyahyah”*) for a very long while, and employes a wealth of gestures and sounds to get her point across. Each new English word added to her vocabulary is a surprise and a treat. She added “play” (pronounced “pehyay”) a few weeks ago. Now the chorus of my day goes something like this:

“play mama play mama mama play play mama play”



Fifteen Minutes

This is a bear I made. He’s in a magazine!

my bear

Buttercream Bear is the high end Teddy Bear in the article “Behind the Price Tag” in the March 2010 issue of American Baby Magazine. This distinction is well deserved – hand knit with cashmere makes anything pricey. And that’s awesome. Or it would be awesome if the attribution wasn’t completely wrong (even in the buyer’s guide, so good luck to anyone who wants one) because of failure to fact check or figure out how Etsy works or ask or even read the bear’s tag.

I’ve been in touch with editors and there have been apologies all around. Which is nice. Hopefully there is some kind of correction in the near future. Which will be nicer. But still.

I’m not over the angry yet and you can’t help feeling how you feel.

Many thanks to my Darling Sister (Maintaining Sanity) for the pictures and for procuring multiple copies of the magazine. I can’t wait for them to get here so I can see him in person.

My bear (my former bear – he was bought from my shop last month) is famous!