Pehyay Pehyay Pehyay

How about something more cheerful above the fold?

chicken in action

Itty Bitty Action Shots. The Rooster is surprising the chicken. “BOO!”

Ellie is a baby of few words. She’s said Important Words (“mama” “cheese” “algahyahyah”*) for a very long while, and employes a wealth of gestures and sounds to get her point across. Each new English word added to her vocabulary is a surprise and a treat. She added “play” (pronounced “pehyay”) a few weeks ago. Now the chorus of my day goes something like this:

“play mama play mama mama play play mama play”



5 thoughts on “Pehyay Pehyay Pehyay

  1. Laura

    These are times to cherish! I can’t think of any better way to spend time. By the way, the chicken does look surprised!

  2. kat

    i love their versions of words. i was so sad the last of those disappeared from my firstborn’s vocabulary.

  3. Judi

    I really don’t know how you can stand all that cuteness! It must be exhausting! 🙂

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