Bloomin’ Feet


socks and more

My Bloomin’ Feet Socks arrived!

Jaywalkers (my first pair) in Socks that Rock from Carole! I love them. I love the colors, I love the pattern (really really clever that Grumperina) I love them with my clogs, I love them without my clogs, I am a happy girl.

new socks in the verbena

I did not walk down the sidewalk my socks, Mom. I put them on when I got to the verbena.

In my Socks That Rock exuberance, I’ve left out the other goodness in my socky package: Choxie (eaten), coffee (on the pot so we can have it in the morning), and a card with a “Long-billed Curlew Decoy” on it (painted by Carole’s brother-in-law). I am developing a thing for duck decoys, just another of the many benefits of a Bloomin’ Feet Swap. Thanks again, Carole, this has been a mountain of fun!

13 thoughts on “Bloomin’ Feet

  1. Carole

    So glad to see they fit! And also glad that they arrived on time – I was so worried! This has been a blast, Emily, I really enjoyed knitting these for you.

  2. Leah

    They look just wonderful! And so comfy! And so pretty with your flowers, though that would be hard to pull off 24/7.

    Enjoy, Emily!

  3. Paula

    I just wanted to say that I am an Alabama knitter. I was excited to find the button. Add me to the list. Nice Jaywalkers-it is too hot in NE AL to wear mine.

  4. Lene

    Wow what nice socks. I especially envy your photography skills… Wont you come over here and take some pictures of my sockapaloooza socks before I have to send them off? 🙂 I also loved the picture of your sock yarn in the previous post. 49 pairs of socks… oh my dont get me started on counting my own sock yarn!

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