Repeating my Shouts

Blogless Patricia in GA, CONTACT YOUR CAPTAIN

The same goes for:

Joyce in NY

How do this many people sign up for a swap that starts in a week and then fall off of the planet? Do I sound annoyed? I am. I am annoyed loudly and publicly.

TIME’S UP! I am contacting alternates!

10 thoughts on “Repeating my Shouts

  1. joan debolt

    As well you should be. I guess I could offer to fill in for those absent. Be on several teams at once. Better than leaving the other members in the lurch.

  2. Jessi

    If it comes down to it, I might could round up a few people if you don’t have fill ins. Sorry you’re having trouble! (hugs)

  3. Pork with Bones

    If you need an alternate, email me. I was a team captain last year, and had decided not to participate this year, but I’ll be glad to fill in if needed.


  4. Jane

    I don’t blame you. That is totally frustrating. I run swaps (not nearly as large as this) on my group and have started asking for phone numbers with sign-ups. I have had to make a few phone calls – and I can tell you they are very surprised to hear from me! I think some people just sign up for everything they see and don’t even remember what they signed up for and use alternate e-mail addresses which they don’t check. And then there are some legitimate reasons like illness, but I still think it takes only a minute for an e-mail to let the moderator know. Oh, sorry, I’m ranting – but I feel your pain!

  5. kathy b

    You do such an amazing job with this fun knit community race. I would not have the patience to put up with slackers. Hang in there. You rock.

  6. Abigail

    I think you are being just fair and honest. Round of Applause to you.

    Shame on those people who are flaking out. It makes William Henry cry and ruins the fun for the rest of DRTs.

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