
A couple people asked to see Ellie’s felt tea bags.

tea bags

Sewn up on the machine with ribbon strings and pinked edges.

backlit tea bag

I put dark brown in the middle so it looks like there is tea inside.

I went ahead and took a few more pictures of my favorites while I had the camera out – a lot of her Teeth Prizes have been play food.


I didn’t “make” these, just painted them. Ellie loves to count them.


Sandwich fixins. The sack in the back has potato chips.


One of the first things I tried.


I’m proud of the tortillas – I put aluminum foil inside to keep them folded!

Now I’m kind of hungry.

15 thoughts on “Snacks

  1. Judi

    Oh my goodness!! That is all SOOOO cute! I really don’t know how you can withstand all the cuteness that constantly bombards you…oh, wait…you ARE supermom!! 🙂 I only had boring plastic food in my 1970s play kitchen!

  2. erin

    oh my goodness, everything’s just so adorable. My fave is the sandwich fixins yum! I’m sure Ellie can spend hours making breakfast, lunch and dinner 🙂

  3. Anita

    These are awesome! It makes me want to be a kid again. Is it wrong for a grown woman to have toys and no children? (I also love kids books)

  4. colleen

    Brilliant!!! you should write up the directions and sell them (in your free time, ya know ?) Play food is so much fun with this age

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