
I haven’t said much about the rig explosion (I’m sure you all know the one I mean). It’s because I am so far beyond furious that I really just don’t have the words.

I am furious because the people in charge have wasted so much time trying not to ruin their well that it’s going to be empty by the time they get around to nuking it. I am furious because the economic climate down here can already be described as “delicate.” I am furious because it’s hurricane season and one storm is going to make a big mess bigger. I am furious because the slick can be seen from space. I am furious because apparently the “ocean can take care of itself.” You don’t have to be even remotely environmentally aware to see the problems with that one.

Most of all

I am furious because of things like this.

People will lose jobs, money, homes because of the ruined fishing, ruined beaches, ruined tourism and myriad of other ruined things that no one has even thought about yet. But no people will wash up helpless on beaches because they are slick with oil. No people will be surprised, dismayed and out of luck because all their food is coated in a mousse of oil. No people will suffocate, suffer or starve slowly surrounded by all the oil. The birds, turtles, sea creatures and wildlife that make their homes in and near the Gulf get to do that. Because of the oil.

The oil that people spilt.

The oil that continues to spill.

So screw you, dudes who blew off safety measures, killed 11 people and will stress an ecosystem and economy that are already struggling. And screw you, guys who have no plan for a worst case scenario or how to clean it up. And screw you, folks in charge who thought it was a good idea to just let it gush while you tried a cap and a straw and a whatever all so you could keep drilling later.

Look at that. I have the words after all.

19 thoughts on “Speechless

  1. Terby

    Can we add screw you for not putting in appropriate safeguards that wouldn’t prevent a massive environmental catastrophe?

    I agree with you 100%. And it’s horrible to sit here and be able to do nothing to help, and just watch it get worse and worse, and knowing that the responsible party is just going to shrug it off.

    Thank you for posting the (awful) photos. They’re the first I’ve seen. I hate them, and hate that I have to see them, but I do.

  2. Carole

    You are so right and I feel the same way. I can’t even bear to look at the pictures on TV these days – it’s heartbreaking.

  3. lesleyd

    Agreed!!! It sickens me that these people are pouring billions of dollars into Talking and Discussing than actual actions.

  4. Meridith

    You have put into words everything I have been thinking and feeling. I don’t keep up with the news like I used to and had not seen pictures like those you posted of the animal life. Looking at them made me cry and gave me a headache almost instantly.

    What have we done?

  5. kathy b

    Your thoughts are valid and ring true. How the beautiful waters can be hurt by some men in society is so sad. Here’s to something, anything, positive that can come soon to help

  6. Carla (from Alabama)

    Those pictures are so heartbreaking. I hope something can be done soon to help those pour animals.

    You express yourself well when you are upset. I think you did a great job.

  7. Becky

    That poor bird has been on our TV for two days now. It is so, so sad. And it is infuriatingly wrong and unnecessary.

  8. Snowbird

    I’m right here with you on all you’ve said. I’m a stones throw away from the water. You can smell it. As far as the ocean cleaning itself, we need to bring that individual down and let that person have a firsthand look at how well it’s cleaning itself and dress the person up with a haz mat suit and give that person a real job. What an idiot to even make that comment. What about the person who said “drill baby drill”. I would like to bring that person down here too with the haz mat crew and put that person to work as well. This is one big mess!!!!!!!!

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