For art and crafts this week, Ellie wanted to sew something with the machine. Really she wanted to sew a dress for herself, but I convinced her that was a big project and we should wait for summer when there was more time. We made this instead.

Mimi the Kitty.
She embroidered the face and pinned everything up on her own. There was a fair amount of scaffolding for the sewing parts (I really made the pattern too small for her to sew independently I’ll know better next time) but she pressed the pedal and guided the fabric as much as possible. The cat parts are craft felt and Mimi’s body is fabric left over from some of Tiny Ellie’s homemade PJ pants.
We should make PJ pants!
There’s only one curved seam!
I stumbled on the cat doll idea looking for beginner sewing projects, and of course I can’t find it now. My web history doesn’t go back to last weekend apparently. Thank you, anonymous stranger!
cute kitty! I can just imagine how well Ellie will do sewing a summer dress.
when our youngest began her homeschooled home ec classes & needed to learn to sew, she balked so I waited. just a year later we became occasional docents at a local historical site. she loves history. now, she needed attire. I saw my opportunity & I would not make the clothing she needed, which included a chemise, stays, petticoats and day jackets. she learned to sew willingly when it was what she wanted. 😉
Go Ellie!
Pyjama pants are a great first sewing project! You get to use cute fabric, they’re easy to sew, and if they’re not perfect, you’re just wearing them at home anyway 🙂
Wow that looks awesome!!! So much better than I do on the machine. I have a heavy foot on the pedal and don’t do straight too well. 😉
Oh it’s lovely!