There are days when I miss Great Gran a very great deal.
More than usual.
There are days when I miss Great Gran a very great deal.
More than usual.
raining raining
I very much don’t like having too much to do. I also think my threshold for that is lower than a lot of people’s. I’m trying to figure out what activity from which to extricate myself – sadly, it can’t be litter boxes.
It’s the rainy mornings when I appreciate homeschooling the most. Not having to get out and suffer the car rider line is a personal blessing.
If you are also lingering over your coffee (because your child is still in bed), here’s a lol for you:
I will Never Forget.
Quick tip:
If you live in a super old house and you want to add insulation to the attic, know that there will be coal soot.
There’s a thin layer of coal soot coating everything upstairs (and a thicker layer on the floor). I will be wiping and mopping for the rest of my life.
At least I’ll be well insulated.
One of the things we discovered AFTER we moved in (and you’d think the inspector would have mentioned it), is that there is precious little insulation in the attic. And none on the walls around the cubby space in the attic.
That’s getting fixed today. They are also installing gable fans that turn on when it gets super hot up there. We’ll be a little more energy efficient -and cooler- by tomorrow.
Doll beds are the best beds.
William Henry loves all things pink and little girl. He has napped in all of Ellie’s pinkest and foofiest things since we’ve had pink and foofy things for her.
I’ll make up missing last week by posting each and every day this week. Because that’s totally the same.
Yesterday, we had all of the GIANT boxwood and holly removed from around the house. These plants had to be 60 years old – they were overtaking the house.
Washington liked watching. I think he wanted to drive the excavator.
Happy Labor Day! Here’s a little Labor Day history. Here’s a little more from The Washington Post – the first parade was in Manhattan in 1882 – with 10-20 thousand marchers (crowds are tough to count with all the moving around). Hi5s to American Workers of all shapes, sizes, colors, union affiliations (or not), and immigration statuses. Thank you for keeping this country always moving toward.
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Aw man. After 8 months of once a week posts I forgot last week.
I don’t know what happened. It’s not that I never thought about it, I just forgot.
Boo, me.
Here’s a rabbit head.
For a returning customer.