Daily Archives: January 17, 2024

Snow #2

The house with cleared sidewalk and front walk. The driveway is just roughed up (because gravel) becuase I am trying something new.

It’s less fun to clear when it’s ice on top. I know about ice.

I haven’t finished the driveway in this picture: I raked it up rough with the garden rake, so all the rocks will stay in one place and there should be enough traction for the car not to slide. There’s also more surface area for the sun to help out a bit. It worked for icy driveway back home – I can’t imagine that Physics is different up here.

Sweater pieces. One sleeve still has the needles in, the body of the sweater has a broken rib pattern on the top half.

I got the neck put on the current sweater, got all excited because I realized I was just a few seams away from being finished…and then noticed that the sleeves weren’t the same length. What even happened there I wonder? I’ve got to add an inch to the short one.