Through the magic of Perfect Celestial Alignment (The Col. is home with a new logic board, I found portrait mode on the new camera so my pictures are no longer blurry, and the luck) I bring you the following quick installment in the Yarn Miracle Saga:

Sock Hop sock yarn in Brown-Eyed Girl.
I was lucky enough to get some of this during the last wave. I sat around and hit reload on the Crown Mountain page for about a half an hour the day it was supposed to go up for sale. Totally worth it – I really love fleece dyed yarns, they are so interesting and unpredictable. The fact that it’s handspun by real people with names (and some with blogs) is really fun (I pretend that Teyani made mine). Did I mention it was superwash? Awwww yeah. This yarn is for socks for ME.
I think I am happy with the new camera (just like the old camera but a newer generation). The pictures don’t come out pink, so what more could a girl wish for?

Abigail in the sun.
I really really really missed the computer. William Henry missed it, too. He is making my neck very warm and possibly giving me chronic back pain in the future. The only thing that seems to be wrong is that the feedreader won’t update. I will deal with that when we get back from Altanta tomorrow. Nobody do anything Time Sensitive ’til I get back!
Teyani’s yarn is awesome, enjoy it.
Yummy stuff, that sock hop yarn. I’m glad you were able to score some. The new camera is taking nice pictures. I’m sure you’ll like it once you get used to it. I’m glad to hear too that your computer is fixed too.
It’s awesome when the stars are aligned. It doesn’t seem to happen nearly enough. Enjoy your weekend Emily.
Beautiful yarn, and I’m so glad you’re happy with your new camera! I’m thinking about your bag(s). I’m in “design” mode.
Have a safe trip home!
Okay, I will keep my time sensitive posts on hold! That yarn is gorgeous. Hope Atlanta was fun and that there was much car knitting.
The Sock Hop yarn is awesome, isn’t it? It helps that two of my favorite people are involved in making it. It’s totally fun to make your own too!
Great new pics from the new camera!
I’m sorry, you are in Atlanta?
Beautiful yarn! You’ll love knitting with it, I’m sure. 🙂