Monthly Archives: August 2010

Little Red Ellie Peg

Ellie Peg

Once upon a time, there was a little Peg named Ellie.

Mommy and Ellie

Mommy Peg loved her little Ellie Peg very much and knit a little cape (from scratch) for her to wear. It had fringe on the bottom but no hood because that would have been too hard to make and the heat index was something crazy like 115° so who wants a hood anyway?


Since Ellie Peg was almost 2.5, Mommy Peg thought it would be a great idea to take a basket of goodies to Great Gran Peg. Ellie said, “Cookshees?!” And Mommy said “Yes!” So Ellie was all for it. She grabbed the basket and headed for Great Gran Peg’s house.


On the way she met a wolf. A BIG Bad Wolf. The Wolf asked what Ellie Peg was up to. “Cookshees Grit Grit!” said Little Red Ellie Peg (“I’m taking cookies to Great Gran!” for those of you who don’t speak Twoglish).


The wolf wanted those cookies so he advised Ellie Peg to pick some flowers for Great Gran and then he ran the rest of the way to Great Gran’s house. The Big Bad Wolf hid Great Gran Peg upstairs (Ellie was opposed to the wolf eating Great Gran. Her reasons should be obvious.).

Shhh. He's sleeping.

Then the Wolf hopped into bed, hid under the covers and waited for Little Red Ellie Peg to show up. Ellie Peg noticed right away that there was a Wolf in Great Gran’s bed.


She didn’t waste any time, but bonked the Wolf on the head with the axe she carried in her back pack. (My kid doesn’t need rescuing.)


It was very dramatic.

Afterwards, they all had a picnic on Great Gran Peg’s roof.

The End

DRT Unbiased Opinion

I’ve been working on the Official Pattern of Revenge of Dish Rag Tag.


It’s on the bias!

Ellie has been helping.

dish rag with many needles

She thinks it would be better with a jack-o-lantern motif.

You’ll need to know how to knit into the front and back of a stitch to make a stitch, knit 2 together, purl 2 together, yarn over and knit through the back loop (to keep a neat edge on the increase rows).

Not long now, y’all.


Ellie and I won a giveaway at Sewn Natural in July (I say that like July was such a long time ago). Turns out “2” really is our lucky number!

sunny sunny sunny

A Sun Stacker from Imagination Kids! I have coveted this forever.

Technically, I won it. So it’s mine. But I’ll let Ellie play with it.

sunstacker rearranged

Especially if she keeps doing stuff like this:

peek a boo

I’m sure William Henry Peg will drive into the sunset any day now.

Thanks to both Jen and Erin for putting sunshine in our day.