Tag Archives: race

Five Alarms for Second

The second box to finish the race and earn Dish Rag Tag Glory belongs to


Five Alarm Fire (take my word for it)

Another original box finishes the race! And what a great finish too. Team Captain Donna must be thrilled! The final Five Alarm Dish Rag was knit by my across-the-bay neighbor, LaTina!

peach dish rag

Peach, blue and point protectors! Watermelon gum made everything smell delicious.

There is also a treat for Ellie:

fishy stickers

Shiny fishy stickers!

She will be so excited when she gets up from her nap. That is assuming that her nap happens, there is a lot of noise in there from someone who is supposed to be asleep. *mah grinds her teeth*

Congratulations, Five Alarm Fire! An excellent showing in an excellent race! Help yourselves to chocolate.

Prizes will be in the mail next week: there are two more boxes headed home!

Revenge of Dish Rag Tag Final Standings
Doggone Dishrag Addicts 10/15/2010
Five Alarm Fire 10/18/2010

Doggone Dish Rag Glory


It’s here! IT’S HERE!

The first box to finish the race belongs to

mailbox with name

Doggone Dishrag Addicts

Congratulations! Such speed! Such teamwork! You should all be incredibly proud of yourselves, and Captain Natalie must be beside herself! I take it back when I called the small flat rate boxes “flimsy.” They CAN withstand a 12 knitter journey if it’s fast enough.

contents part 1

mmmm purples

I’ve got a beautiful Dish Rag from the Doggone’s last leg, Laura! Great peach yarn to start next year’s race, a post card from Marie in Michigan and a collection of stitch markers from the Doggone Dishrag Addicts that are pretty enough to hang on a necklace!

marker marker marker

I got a few in focus!

Thanks so much to all of you! And biggest congratulations on achieving Dish Rag Glory!

Revenge of Dish Rag Tag Final Standings
Doggone Dishrag Addicts 10/15/2010

DRT: Weekly Round-Up #5

The memento for the first team to attain Dish Rag Tag Glory took more thought and a lot of poking around on Etsy. But I knew what I wanted the minute I saw it.


A star for a job well done!

Sweet and delicate, these tiny stoneware dishes make my heart go pitter pat. A Dandelion Blows is well stocked with functional and decorative stoneware. Buttons and bowls and tiny pumpkins and this bracelet that I totally covet which is odd because I don’t wear jewelry. So now I have a I have a box full of stars from a kind and personable seller. They all say this on the bottom:

DRT 2010 and signature

DRT 2010

How awesome is that? I just have to figure out how to mail the tiny fragile things. Do you think chocolate will make adequate packing material?

How awesome was your Dish Rag Week? That’s what the comments are for!

DRT: Weekly Round-Up #4

The prize for the second team to attain Dish Rag Tag Glory is actually the first prize I picked. Trophies.

knitty girls

Knitty Girls

Kat’s in the Belfry makes these great Shakespeare People. They are peg dolls with bee-stung lips dressed in passages by the Bard. So I thought, I wonder if Kat would dress them in knitting patterns? Ellie wants them all. And, I have to confess, so do I.

How’s the race going? Last week was surprisingly quiet (at least in my comments). This week I see several status bars inching into the front! Please share you experiences or links to your blog posts in the comments.

DRT: Weekly Roundup #3

Trophies. Mementos. Keepsakes.


The third team to achieve Dish Rag Tag Glory in Revenge of Dish Rag Tag will receive a custom Dish Rag Tag tin from Natalie’s Nest to commemorate that achievement! These tins are the perfect size for a couple yarn needles, some stitch markers and a safety pin or two and the hinged lid will never get lost. I’ve got one this size in my most used knitting basket and I have found it invaluable.

This year, the race is smaller and more personal, but no less special. This year, the prizes are smaller and more personal, but no less special. In fact, I think they are extra-special and I wish I had commissioned 13 of everything so I could keep one for myself.

Has your DRT experience this week been smaller and more personal or did you make your dishrag in a shocking display of public knitting? Tell us (or be a linky-loo) in the comments!

DRT: Weekly Roundup #2

on the sink

How’s it going Dish Rag Taggers?

Those status bars are moving forward, but no one has pulled ahead of the pack. It’s still anybody’s race!

Tell us in the comments if you had the box this week! Do you have any tips for the other racers? Have a blog post you’d like to share? How’s the pattern?

Inquiring Emilys want to know.

DRT: Weekly Roundup #1

finding the sun

She’s learning from the best.

While William Henry and Ellie shared a sunbeam this afternoon, I kept an eye on the Team Widgets in my side bar. When I started typing this, all but two had advanced another ker-chunk closer to Dish Rag Glory.

As I was watching those bars inch up one by one, I got to thinking:

I know many of you have blogs, and those of you that don’t will still have a Dish Rag Tag story to tell. What if I create a weekly post for the sole purpose of sharing Dish Rag Tag related activities from the past week*?

That seems like a pretty good idea! So here’s the first Revenge of Dish Rag Tag Round up. We’ll keep in up until all the boxes make it home.

Please leave links to your blog posts in the comments. If you don’t have a blog, but you have a story, tell it to us in the comments!

I can’t wait to read where those boxes have been.

*I had a look a Mr. Linky’s Magical Widgets. That might make this round-up process even easier, but I would have to pick one of their existing memes and I just can’t make it work. I did give serious thought to using “Cats on Wednesday” and claiming it was a typo.


boxes in a USPS tote

Waiting on the front porch.

I scheduled a pick up! I had a tote I needed to return. Carrier pick up is a free service. I really hate waiting in line. With the long weekend they’ll get there on Tuesday no matter what I do. So I figured why not? The race has started and I’m still in my PJs drinking coffee!

But it’s not very dramatic.

Hurry up, Letter Carrier.

DRT: Get Set

boxes in a line

Labels get printed tomorrow!

You’ve got a Small Flat Rate Box, now you need supplies:

  • Ball of Dish Cloth Cotton – Peaches & Creme, Sugar’n Cream, you know the kind. I had a hard time getting the “super-sized” balls to fit in the box, so you might want to stick with the standard.
  • Knitting needles – I used US 5s, Mom used US 7s – it all depends on how tightly you knit. The finished cloth should be around 7 inches square, beyond that, gauge is not that big of a deal.
  • Small treat for your teammate – the box is small, your treat to pass onto the next knitter will need to be small too!
just one more

One more thing.

Is that another Small Flat Rate box I see? Could there possibly be one more team?

In completely unprecedented circumstances, every single knitter who signed up for Revenge of Dish Rag Tag is present, accounted for and ready to knit. I did not have to call up a single alternate this year.

But I had 12 disappointed alternates.

So I’m making one more team.

Y’all don’t mind a little more friendly competition do you?