The swap box it up on top. The post-it reads “cats cats cats cats.”
I’m almost finished with the dog too!
The swap box it up on top. The post-it reads “cats cats cats cats.”
I’m almost finished with the dog too!
With all the cold and the days off from school, and then the nice weather and all the work the yard needs, I’ve not had a lot of knitting worth showing.
OK. Except this doggy custom.
She gives me a big smile.
I’m also on tentacle eight of the octopus example AND almost ready to ship my swap box.
I know some boxes are already packed and on the way. Y’all are making me look bad.
How I make partners in a round-robin swap.
I did most of the matching and then handed off to Michael. I was feeling really guilty about the amount of work I unknowingly talked him into.
Y’all. We really need a universal ap for this. I’d happily, gleefully, delightedly pay money to host a swap with an ap that saves swappers’ profiles, and allows me to make custom questions for the current swap. And then makes matches with selected pieces of information. It’d be cool if it were smart enough to know that Zonda gifted Brenda (or whoever) in the last swap and not match them up again for the current one. And I’d like to be able to hand tweak the list before partner information is emailed in case I have insider information. I know someone will get right on this.
All that said: partner information was sent out last night! It came from Michael at YarnMiracle in case you need to check your spam folder. If you don’t know who you’re gifting, let him know. If you’ve got other questions or need your partner to clarify something while maintaining your anonymity, please let me know!
Start gathering goodness – boxes should be mailed no later then January 31. Quick reminder: if you are shipping to another country, go low-tech! DVDs and things don’t work the same way from nation to nation.
Our questions are answered, let the matchmaking begin!
PS When I asked Michael to make the matches so I could be surprised, I said “Oh, I’m sure there won’t be more than a dozen folks who want to participate.” I was really wrong. Thank you! I’m completely tickled.
Heeeeey, swappers! Signups are closed!
Y’all please fill out your quick little surveys and get them back to me! We need them before Michael can make the matches. We haven’t heard from about half of you (there will be individual guilt-making tomorrow if necessary). If you didn’t get a survey, email me (emily at yarnmiracle) or comment with an email address that you check! I’ll send it to you.
Through cutting and pasting in haste, I lopped off the “What is your mailing address?” part of some of the questionnaires. If you were one of the lucky few, we really do need that piece of information. Just add it to the end when you answer the rest of the questions.
One last thing:
Who DOESN’T have cats and dogs? And if you have no furred animals and a smoke-free home you get extra gold stars. I needed to put that in the survey – I’m sorry, it’s been a while since I did this and I’m rusty. Please please email me (or comment if you’d rather) about your allergen-free status.