The final box of Revenge of Dish Rag Tag arrived yesterday. But the mail was late. And then it rained for about twelve hours. So you had to wait until tonight to hear about the 7/11 +1 Grand Finale:

And this (the box was only singed a little bitty bit):

And these terrible pictures in tungsten lighting of the contents of the box:

The gum is mint. Mamie likes mint.
The last leg and denim blue (in case you can’t tell in the horrid lighting) dish cloth are by Marie! Thank you so much – I haven’t had Starburst in forever! Team Captain Tracey and the rest of the 7/11 + 1 also sent postcards!

Photographs too!
We love postcards! I’ve put them at Ellie’s place so we can look them over at breakfast before we put them in her book. I’ve got all kinds ideas for what to do with our post card collection – I’ll share a few when Ellie is old enough to do more than look. Thanks you so much and congratulations to the entire team for finishing the race!
This is the second Dish Rag Tag with a 100% completion rate! The first was the original race. I didn’t send a single replacement box. We didn’t have a single alternate knitter. Every participant knit for their team and every team achieved Dish Rag Tag Glory. I can’t tell you how happy this makes me! I am Over the Moon. Thank you so much to each and everyone of you for making this race a success. I hope you all join me next year for
The Return of Dish Rag Tag
Revenge of Dish Rag Tag Final Standings
Doggone Dishrag Addicts 10/15/2010
Five Alarm Fire 10/18/2010
Faster Than Ewe 10/19/2010
X-treme Rag Taggers 10/20/2010
Cable 4 in Front 10/23/2010
Alterknits 10/25/2010
Dishrag Divas 10/25/2010
Purl Power 10/27/2010
Ragtime Knitters 10/30/2010
The DRTy Knitters 11/1/2010
7/11 + 1 11/3/2010