Tag Archives: ellieivey


The Armadillo Veggie Protection System has had satisfactory results.

picked stuff

Corn, peppers, tomatoes and cucumbers.

Ellie’s little corn is the cutest stuff!

And it was really delicious!

But she still won’t eat it. Veggies are for playtime, not dinner time.

She only enjoys the planting, watering, picking and playing.

I picked a bunch of tomatoes this evening. If you were my neighbor, I’d bring you some.

Father’s Day

2011 Mug

This Mug Belongs to DaDa

The nice folks at Twisted River Clayworks made this year’s mug exactly to Ellie’s specifications. They even made the mug bigger to fit all the words. When we opened the box, Ellie pronounced it “Perfect.” She has decided to take her Dad to Kangarooz this morning. Because “Dada likes to watch me have fun.”

Happy Father’s Day to all the Dads and Dads-to-Be.

The Cuteness! It Burns!

Life is too short not to give into temptation.


It seems that I have raised my child to believe the same thing.

She used to want a grey kitty. Now she wants this one and she says he doesn’t need a body or arms and legs. He is perfect just the way he is thank you. They watched Shaun the Sheep together. It wasn’t at all weird.

I love this yarn.

I’m lying. It was totally weird that Ellie watched TV with a disembodied (pre-embodied?) cat head. But the heart wants what it wants.


Happy Easter!

egg hunting

Did all of your eggs end up in one basket?

I had a blackberry hunt after all the eggs had been found.

blackberry mania

Those are all off of the bush growing in Great Gran’s rose.

There is a cobbler in the very near future.


Heavenly days, y’all.

I’m getting Ellie’s cold. I can feel it.

The pile of tissues next to my computer proves it.

I’m going to make the kid start wearing gloves and a mask in public.

pink play kitchen

Pink kitchen, pink vase, white birds.

We rearranged a little bit before Christmas and moved Ellie’s little pink kitchen, her ‘pantry’ and her table and chairs to her room. This instantly transformed it from a baby’s room to a little girl’s room (boo hoo hoo). It’s really cute in there and I am thinking of moving in. We should probably take some pictures, but that will require me to neaten and get out the umbrella lamp (it is DARK on the back of the house).

In case you are having a hard time seeing it, I took the vase outside and created a tableau. We found out that C.C. put it in the swap box (Ellie says “Nank you!”) for us! I’m not sure a piece of glass has ever had so much love.

hot pink elephant

Still Life with Magenta Elephant. They match!

My home has never had so much pink.

Time to blow my nose and make a cup of tea with lots of honey.

Our Best Play Dough

I’ve made a lot of play dough in my time. Enough to have memorized my favorite recipe. It makes a good size ball and stores neatly in anything with a tight lid that can hold two cups.

boil boil

If you do this with little people, make sure you trust them with the stove. The stove is not on in this picture.

Our Best Play Dough
Dump the following into a sauce pan and mix well:

1 c. all purpose flour
1 c. water
1/4 c. salt (table, no need to be fancy)
1 T. oil
2 T. cream of tartar
food coloring to suit taste

Put your pan over medium heat. The goop will look nice and smooth like this…

smooth goop

…if you’ve used neon green food coloring.

Start stirring. Right about the time you think your arm will fall off (5-10 minutes), this will happen:

lumped up

It will start to pull away from the sides of the pan and clump together.

Keep cooking and stirring until the mess has barely stopped being shiny and then pull it off of the heat. I also dump it out of the pot so it will stop cooking and not get too hard. Give it a few minutes to rest. When it’s cool enough to touch, knead the play dough until it’s smooth. I find that kneading is easier while it is still warm.

Wash your pot and repeat until you’ve run out of colors or storage boxes. Or in our case, both.


All this took us less than an hour to mix up.

In an airtight container, it keeps far longer than you’d think. We’ll be playing with this batch well into March. Unless it all gets mixed into a muddy rainbow. Then we’ll have to make more.


The Drama

Ellie’s mittens are finished.


In 2010, I might have knit half a dozen things that I didn’t sell. In 2011, I plan to knit more for my family and myself. Maybe I’ll finish that sweater I started more than three years ago.

feeling better

In 2010, Yarn Miracle bought necessary (but boring) things like new tires for the Jeep and ER glue for Ellie’s cheek. In 2011, Yarn Miracle is going to buy a new couch and chair for the den. They will have fitted slipcovers that I can replace when they show a lot of wear.


In 2010, I didn’t participate in a single swap (DRT doesn’t count). I will be a part of at least one swap in 2011. Is sock swapping still in fashion?